Travelstart's here to help. Is your flight departing within 72 hrs? Your booking is our priority! Visit the Safe Travel page for updates.

Safe Travel Ahead

Visit the Travelstart office anytime between 10th March - 30th April 2016 and enter our raffle

Win free tickets to selected destinations at the prize giving on 2nd May at 11:00 at the Travelstart office

Stand the chance to win a free ticket to any of the following destinations




Contact us for more information

Travelstart Tanzania, NHC House, Ground Floor +255 22 2124881/2 | +255 688 737400 | [email protected]

Terms and Conditions:

Travel Validity: Travel must be between 1st - 30th June 2016

Tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable once order is confirmed

Tickets may not be resold or transferred

Travelstart has the right to choose the airline at the time of making a booking